Thursday, December 17, 2009

Weekend Surfing

Caleb and I got to go surfing this past weekend. It was unusually overcast and windy that day so the waves weren't great. We still had a blast and we were both exhausted by the end of the morning. Unfortunately both us ended up getting rolled by a wave at one point which was not fun. Poor Caleb got hit on the head with his surfboard so he took a breather for a few minutes. I was very proud of him when he decided to get back on the board and ride some more waves. The ocean temp is finally starting to cool down a bit so we were both thankful for our wetsuits.

Practicing on the balance board before heading to the beach.

Visit with Santa

Over the Thanksgiving holiday we took the kids to see Santa. Myah was reluctant at first but Santa finally won her over with a candy cane. Funny thing is, she doesn't even like candy canes! She lasted about 10 seconds on his lap - just long enough for a picture.

It's a big difference from last year's encounter.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas Program 2009

The first and second grades at Caleb's school recently put on a Christmas program. Caleb had a line to say during the show and he practiced it over and over. While the children were singing, Rob and I noticed how serious Caleb was looking. After the show we asked him if anything was wrong and he said, "No, I was just concentrating really hard". And of course, he had to do a little bow after each song was over which Myah noticed and now she bows whenever we clap for her. Monkey-see, Monkey-do. lol

Caleb and his teacher

Yellow Belt (Again)

Caleb recently tested for his yellow belt in karate. He was already a yellow belt from when we lived in Arizona, but because of our move and switching teachers, he had to start over from a white belt. Here he is with his instructors shortly after he received his new yellow belt. He's doing really well with his lessons and he's developed one heck of a side kick.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

An Illinois Thanksgiving & Christmas

Sorry that it's been a little while since my last post. In my defense I spent a week in Atlanta on business and then a week in Illinois for Thanksgiving - plus it's the holidays and things always seem to get a bit crazy around this time of year. With that being said, below are some pictures from our trip to Illinois to visit Rob's side of the family. We also celebrate Christmas with them while we are out there, so Caleb and Myah were very happy to open some early Christmas presents. The weather was actually really nice for Illinois in November so we were very happy and the kids got to play with their cousins a lot. Overall it was a very nice trip - with the exception of having to sit right in front of an extremely sick family on the airplane ride home. Yuck!