Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Catching Up

I just got back from another week working in Atlanta and decided to do something special with the kids over the weekend. We were going to go to a Chinese New Year's festival but ended up not being able to go. We decided to go check out a local nature center instead. The kids really enjoyed it and we will definitely be going back in the future. Sunday afternoon was spent playing in the backyard with Myah running all over the place. It's good to be back home. :-)

Myah insisted on carrying the Pac-pac (backpack) for a little while. She took it very seriously.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Two Year-old Tantrum

The other day Myah did something that she was not supposed to do. After being warned twice, she ended up in the corner where she decided to throw a fit. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, get out the earplugs! She doesn't kick, roll on the floor, or hit - she just stands in the corner and screams for a minute or two. It was one of those parenting moments where you have to stand your ground no matter what. I don't normally take videos of crying children but she was being particularly dramatic about standing in the corner. She even ended up covering her own ears because she was so loud. It was all I could do to keep from laughing.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bike Riding

The other day I was at a thrift store and found a little red bike that was the perfect size for Myah. It was only $4 so I figured I could always resell it at a yard sale if she wasn't interested. We were going to wait and give it to her for Valentine's day but she found it before we could put it away. Needless to say she was jumping up and down and squealing with joy. We took it outside the next day so she and brother could 'ride' together. Personally, I thought she'd just sit there and ring the bell while watching Caleb. I couldn't have been more wrong. She watched brother zoom around the cul-de-sac then she decided she was going to do it too. Within half a hour she was peddling her little heart out and looking like she's been riding a bike for a while.

Learning the basics of bike riding.

Biking like a pro.

Caleb thought that this would be a fun thing to do.