Friday, June 12, 2009

Trip to the Beach

We went to the beach the other weekend and it was NICE! There is other news to share about that trip, but I'll save that for a later date.

Myah loved the sand and the water, but in the end the water was the clear winner. She'd stand at the edge of the surf, yell 'Mama!' then make the sign for 'more' and point at the water. She might not be talking much, but she gets her point across loud and clear.

Caleb is a hard-core water lover. He was in the ocean from the time we set foot on the beach until we had to leave. We were in the West Palm Beach area and the water was so clear - you could go out to your shoulders and still look down and see your toes.

Other favorite activities were building sand castles (Caleb), smashing said sand castles (Myah), diving down to see fish (Caleb), pretending to eat said fish (Myah), chasing kids and jumping waves (Mommy), lounging on the beach and keeping sand off the blanket (Daddy). Overall it was a great vacation and we all enjoyed the time away.

1 comment:

TowerAZ said...

They are such beautiful children! I'm so happy to hear God continues to bless you. Miss you. I'll keep your family in prayer.