Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Missing In Action

Okay, I've been a bad, bad blogger for the past month and a half, but I do have a somewhat worthy excuse or two. Here's the rundown in a nutshell with more details to come later this week.

1. We moved across the country.
2. The kids spent 6+ weeks at Grandma & Grandpa's this summer.
3. I was working in Atlanta and Rob was working in Florida for several weeks before we regrouped in Arizona to pack everything and move.
4. Did I mention we had to pack EVERYTHING ourselves???? In addition, we had to sort stuff out because we lost about 1,000 sq/ft from our house in AZ to our rental in FL.

Thankfully, the move went smoothly. We packed everything ourselves but hired professional loaders to load the UHaul truck and trailer because we wanted most of our stuff to arrive in decent shape. It was the best decision we could have made. Rob and I left Phoenix on July 25th and arrived in south Florida on July 29th. It was a long trip - we thought Texas would never end! Rob drove the truck and towed the trailer behind (the dog kept him company) while I drove the car behind. It was a pretty easy trip (a few nail biting moments here and there) but one that I am thankful we didn't have to make with kids in the car. Thank you, thank you Mom & Dad!

My parents arrived yesterday with the kids and the house is pretty well set up except for a bunch of boxes left in the garage that we may or may not unpack. The kids are excited about the new house and the big backyard with a pool. It's great to have them back and I know my parents are ready for a break from the two little monkeys. lol

So.... hopefully I am forgiven for being so bad about blogging lately. Once things settle back into a routine I'm sure it will fall back in place. Plus I have about a billion pictures to post!


Anonymous said...

I had the same experience in '03. We moved from NH to AZ, lost a yard, basement, a bedroom, a dining room and about 1000 sf. We moved with me in my truck pulling a 24' trailer/camper, hubby drove the moving truck towing the car w/his motorcycle inside. We had the 3 kids with us, then 5, 7 and 9, and the cat. Texas is NO FUN to drive through - it takes 2 days to cross the short part. Glad you guys are safe and doing well. May God keep you protected in his arms as you make the transition. - Lisa Tower

Shana said...

Mel, I didn't realize you finally decided to move to Fl. This is Shana from the TW yahoo group, btw. I know you posted it on the Yahoo group but you weren't sure at the time. Welcome to Florida! We live in Orlando so if you come up to Disney it would be great to meet up!