Tuesday, January 27, 2009

She Walks - Finally!

Myah has finally decided to start walking. Granted, it's still not something that she does unless she wants to, but at least it's starting to sink in. When she went to the doctor's office for her 15 month check-up she showed a bit of her 'true colors'. The doctor smiled a very knowing smile and said, "My, she's quite strong-willed isn't she?" I have to laugh because it doesn't matter what it is, if Myah doesn't want to do it, good luck getting her to. My girl can be sweet and silly one minute and stubborn and demanding the next. I guess we better watch out - we've been told this is just preparation for the teen years.

Myah took her first 'step' in November over Thanksgiving. It was literally one step. Her balance is absolutely amazing and it's totally been a stubborness issue - she just hasn't wanted to walk. Over the past few months she's taken a few steps here or there (all on her terms) but tonight was the first time that she walked any distance beyond a few feet. Hopefully we're turning the corner with this. Now we need to work on the little old woman walk. lol

1 comment:

Amy said...

Oh my goodness, she is SOOO cute! Congratulations on the walking, Myah! That's fantastic!
