Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tuesday, June 17

Today was the day - Gotcha Day! We woke up around 6:00am and went down to eat breakfast at 7:30am. Mr. Yeh and his son came to pick us up at 8:00am and after I double checked my bag for paperwork, camcorder and camera we were off. About two hours later we got out at TWCA (Taiwan Womens and Childrens Association) - they are the organization our adoption agency works with. After a few minutes there, we got back in the van and headed out to meet Myah. Less than ten minutes later, we pulled into a parking lot and walked around back to the apartment where Myah has been living for the last six months. We went around a large bush and there she was! Waiting just for us! Her foster mother had her all dressed up for us in one of the outfits we had sent a few months ago. You could tell that Myah was very well taken care of and a very loved little girl. After about ten minutes of looking at her and talking with her, I finally got to hold her. She just looked at me like 'who in the world are you lady?' - if you've watched any of her update videos, you can imagine the eyebrows that went with it. After about five minutes of getting to know her, Rob came over and joined us (he had been video taping). We were able to ask the foster mother many questions about Myah and she told us a little bit about her life at their house. When we got ready to leave the foster mom had tears in her eyes and so did I. How I admire the foster moms who are able to give so much time and love to these babies knowing that they will be leaving soon. During the two hour ride home Myah took a nap, drank a bottle and got to watch us eat turkey and rice. Mr. Yeh took us to a place that serves turkey and rice year round because, as he said, today was a day of Thanksgiving.

After we got back to Taipei, Mr. Yeh showed us where the Snake Alley night market and the Memorial Hall were, then stopped by Longshan Temple (Taipei's largest temple) so we could mark another thing off our 'to do' list. After that we headed back to the hotel where Myah and Rob slept and I uploaded pictures and videos. That night we found some good places to eat at a nearby shopping mall food court (not like what you're thinking of in the US). After that, we called it a night and got things ready for Myah's visa appointment the next day.

Longshan Temple in Taipei

Our driver, Mr. Yeh and his son.

1 comment:

Shana said...

Congratulations Mel!! Myah is beautiful and you are a beautiful family! So, glad to hear your Gotcha Day went well and you are a family now.